The Fuss About Flocked Christmas Trees: Are They Worth the Hype?

If you’re fond of the holiday season, you’ll know that Christmas trees are essential to the celebrations. They’re used to represent a symbol of hope, joy, and peace. Recently, there has been a lot of buzz about flocked Christmas trees, and people have wondered if they’re worth the hype. This article will discuss everything you need to know about flocked Christmas trees.

What is Flocked Christmas Trees?

A flocked Christmas tree is a tree that has been coated with artificial snow to create a wintry look. The snow is made from materials such as cellulose or paper pulp and is sprayed onto the tree using a specialized applicator. The snow is then left to dry to create a beautiful, snowy effect. It’s a relatively new trend in the Christmas tree market, but it’s becoming increasingly popular with those who want a unique and magical Christmas tree.

Origins of Flocked Christmas Trees

Flocked Christmas trees were initially introduced in the 1950s. However, their popularity dwindled through the 60s and 70s, but they’ve made a comeback! Artificial trees were already famous, but flocked trees were slow to catch on mainly because of their messy nature. Flocking trees was initially done using cotton, and it was when the invention of spray-on flocking technique that flocked trees became a practical option for families.

Benefits of Flocked Christmas Trees

One of the benefits of flocked Christmas trees is the unique and magical look they add to your space. They can add a touch of sophistication to a living room, and the snow-covered branches can make a room look like a winter wonderland. Flocked trees also add a cozy and welcoming feel to your home, especially when decorated with warm lights, rustic ornaments, and garlands.

Flocked trees require minimal decoration because their branches are already covered with snow, making them look full and festive; you won’t need to add dozens of ornaments to make them look good. You can also choose from different varieties of flocked trees, such as frosted, lightly dusted, or heavily coated, to suit your desired aesthetic.

Potential Drawbacks

One downside to flocked Christmas trees is that they can be messier than regular ones. The artificial snow coating can be prone to shedding, leaving traces of white particles on your floor or carpet. You’ll also need to be extra careful when handling the branches because the snow coating can be delicate and sensitive to the touch.

Flocked trees can also be more expensive than regular trees because of the additional work and materials used to create them. As a result, you’ll need to invest more money upfront than a traditional tree, but they are a worthwhile investment.

Purchasing Tips

If you’re thinking of buying a flocked Christmas tree, here are some things to consider:

– Size: Ensure you measure the space where you’ll set up the tree before buying one. Remember to account for the height and width of the tree, as well as the space required for any decorations you want to add.

– Quality: Look for high-quality materials when buying a flocked tree. Check the branches to make sure they’re sturdy and not easily breakable.

– Price: Flocked Christmas trees can be expensive, but ensure you get a good deal. Shop around and compare prices from different retailers to ensure you’re getting the best value for your money.

In conclusion, flocked artificial Christmas trees are a fun and unique way to decorate your home during the holiday season. They offer a magical and cozy feel to any space. While they can be messier and more expensive than traditional trees, they’re a significant investment and ideal for those who want a more sophisticated and ornate holiday centerpiece. Consider a flocked tree this holiday season, and you’ll have a white Christmas!